Various Topics

Amazing Impact

Engage Your Group in Powerful Discussions

I’m at my best when my hands become pom poms, cheering on single women to push past their insecurities,fears of failure, and feelings of insignificance. Simply put, I was born as an “encourager to encourage her.”

Hello & Welcome

Here's Brownie's Promo Video
Click Here to Learn More

Welcome to my speaking page. I understand that planning an event and selecting a speaker can be a challenge. Sometimes it seems as if there are not enough hours in the day!  My hope is that this page will make it easy for you to get the information you need to make the best decision possible.  Thank you for considering me and viewing the information below. I am honored and truly appreciate your interest!

An Overview of this Page

This page provides an overview of what I have to offer, along with a taste of what you can expect. You can click on the links below to take you directly to the relevant sections.  If you want to check my availability for your event, or if you have some questions before proceeding further, please fill out the form below.

Table of Contents

  • What You Can Expect
  • My Commitment To You
  • A Taste Of Brownie
  • My Video Reel
  • My Most Requested Topics

Booking And Event Inquiry

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Here’s what you can expect from me and my team:

  1. Professional, timely replies to your inquiries, phone calls, and email messages.
  2. A personal consultation to better understand how I can best serve you and your audience.
  3. An announcement about your event on my social media channels. (This is if your event is open to the public and you want additional visibility for the event.)
  4. A professionally prepared and energetically delivered presentation focused on achieving the outcomes you want with your audience.
  5. A quick follow-up after the event, to make sure your expectations were met.

My Committment To You

When you select me as your speaker, I will help you achieve the goals you want to accomplish for your event. I will give my absolute best effort.ecause when you win, I win. Let's win together and help change the world.

"Encouragement is just love with a mouthpiece, to help people see they are a MASTERPIECE."

After years of searching for my place in life and a place in Mr. Right’s arms, I had to dismiss my “inner Nikes.” I literally had to stop chasing after someone else’s dream and chasing after Mr. Wrong with hopes of converting him into Mr. Right. When I stopped, my life dramatically shifted into me living out my purpose. I also was led to listen.

I heard the intense cry of young single women from dorm rooms, mentoring sessions, random emails, to packed auditoriums. Behind silent tears so many women suffer from brokenness, confusion, and downplayed dignity for the sake of being in “love” or a twisted version of it. As a result, I adamantly moved to serve as a solution by starting a movement, You Are Singled Out. (Y.A.S.O.) Our primary mission is: Moving women from chaos to confidence before Mr. Right.

Knowing one’s self-worth and understanding genuine love is at an all time low. Whenever I speak, I aim to deliver power packed messages to hit the bull’s eye of the single woman’s heart. I like sharing relevant scenarios to convey truth and practical steps attendees can use immediately after the event. I strive to help young women to recognize their individual greatness and leave empowered to engage in healthy relationships.

I have had the opportunity to be featured at a variety of places throughout the U.S. such as: Indiana University, Lipscomb University, UNC-Charlotte, Mary Baldwin, Mt. Zion Baptist Church, John Early Middle School, Montevallo University, Northside New Era Baptist Church, Tennessee State University and more.

With regards to my platform:

  • I devote a lot of my time writing, speaking, mentoring, and traveling to advise young women on self-worth and relationships.
  • I was awarded “Young Woman of the Year” award by the former Vice President’s wife, Marilyn Quayle.
  • I have published a book featured on Amazon entitled, “Sane in a Sex Filled World.”
  • I have produced a CD project “10 of the Biggest Mistakes Single Women Make & How to Avoid Them.”
  • I serve as a mentor with Ladies of Virtue to female college students within my church and community.
  • I am a voiceover artist for the McDonald’s Corporation and have conducted radio interviews for Nashville’s Volunteer of the Month.
  • In my spare time, I sing/play piano, watch comedy, cheer on my favorite NBA/NFL teams, and spend quality time with friends and family. I’ve also made numerous mission trips to distribute supplies and teach children in Haiti. I happily reside in greater Nashville, Tennessee and love staying in prep mode for my future Mr. Right!

I primarily speak to young women in organizations, universities/colleges, churches, conferences, and more. Here is my demo reel.


Lack of self-love, leads to lack of confidence, which leads to lackluster relationships. Within this presentation, attendees will gain three key strategies to embrace their identity, unleash their voice, and approach commitment from a state of wholeness.Vivid stories of abuse, dating red flags, and practical tips are coupled with audience interaction. Overall, women will be equipped with solutions to overcome desperation and possess an increased awareness of self-confidence to engage in happy, healthy relationships!


The battle lines of heat, hormones, and holding back from the physical passion is hard! The heart and body wants to yes…but what should be next? In this presentation, explanations on how single women can prevent themselves from being in compromising situations is shared. The intricacies of sex, mind games, and the aftermath are also highlighted. Attendees will be equipped with useful boundaries and ways to detect motives whether they are in a long term dating relationship or facing a one night stand invitation. Women are empowered to make cautious decisions and take courageous steps beyond their emotions… even in the heat of the moment.


Waiting is often perceived as a time filled with wondering, whining, and worrying. Especially when it comes to uniting with Mr. or Miss Right! This presentation highlights ways to be productive and not becoming pessimistic about the timeline of one’s love story.
Five key ways to win while you wait are given to help broaden the perspective on being not only willing but ready for a healthy romantic attraction relationship. Personal stories are intertwined with the importance of purpose, interdependence, sexual temptations, pursuit while dating, and trusting in God’s timing.  Practical strategies are given that singles can use immediately and shift from being tired…to being wired to win in life and in love!


Calling all Tweens & Teens! In a world filled with comparisons, discrimination, and disrespect young girls can easily be pulled into a trap of deception about beauty and self-worth. In this presentation, girls will be engaged to learn about self-identity through discussions, pictures, videos, and worksheets. Women of various ethnicities whose lives and/or legacies have left an unforgettable beauty mark on the world are also shared. Interactive exercises are included such as: “Yep, I’ve Got That WOW Factor”, “Negatives to Positives”, and “Beauty Plated Up.” Plus, a segment is also dedicated to showing how the media often distorts our perception of beauty through layers of editing, sex appeal, skin tone alterations, and downgrading a woman’s intellect.

Start the Convo

My Commitment to You

When you select me as your speaker, I will help you achieve the goals you want to accomplish for your event. I will give my absolute best effort.ecause when you win, I win. Let's win together and help change the world.

What Others Are Saying

"Brownie spoke truth in Lipscomb’s women’s chapel. So many young women, especially those in their early-twenties, struggle with feeling trapped between teenager and adult. I know I do. It is easy for young women to lose themselves in the fantasies of guys because we feel lost already. I hope other young women can be touched by Brownie’s wisdom and clarity." – K. Turner, Senior, Nashville, TN

"Brownie and the Y.A.S.O. movement can benefit other women by bringing awareness to their weaknesses and sharing tips with other young ladies from their strengths. This experience helped me grow by allowing me to share my story reinstating what I've learned and come from. It was an amazing experience!" – A. Tillis Senior, Fisk University

"The event Brownie hosted was very refreshing. I was able to not only help others that are dealing with the same issues, but also get insight and different perspectives on solutions for these issues. I was also able to hear testimonies and it allotted us to understand one another on a different level, which I think plays a big part in campus unity. You may not necessarily like a person or even get along with them, but knowing their story or the testimony behind their actions can give you a different perspective and outlook of them. Brownie facilitated a way to give us all an opportunity to bond with each other in a way [on campus] that broadens all of our horizons." – D. Wilson, Senior, Chicago, IL  

“Brownie, the reviews of your time with our students are still coming in.  I met with my senior seminar class this morning, and they just couldn't say enough good things about your presentations.  I am so glad our students got the time with you. Blessings on you for the good you are doing!” – John Conger, PhD. CFLE Certified Family Life Educator and Family Social Scientist, Lipscomb University

"The event with Brownie helped me to be honest with myself in acknowledging that forgiveness and patience are both easier said than done but, if I ever want to be truly happy in life, I must obtain these things. Thanks to Brownie I'm striving everyday to be a better woman than I was yesterday." –T. Wilhite, Sophomore, Cincinnati, OH

“I was very impressed with the professional way in which Brownie planned and spoke at the Love Code Conference. Obviously, the young ladies she serves have great respect for her. Our young ladies are in great need of understanding how the decisions they make today will impact their future.  Brownie pours valuable and great wisdom into them.  Her style of imparting information was very creative and thought provoking and the young ladies participated with great eagerness.  It is obvious to me that Brownie has a great love and passion for what she is called to do.” – Beverly Vannoy, Overseer of Education - Singles Ministry, Mt. Zion Baptist Church

"I left with a whole new outlook on my worth and what I deserved. I've struggled all of my life with guys who have tricked me into thinking that they loved me in order to get physical affection from me. With the newfound courage that I got from your talks, I have finally accepted that I deserve so much better than what I was getting. I have finally accepted that I need to stop fighting. Even though it will be hard, God has a much better plan for me than to be a piece of meat. Thank you, Brownie. I know I'm not the only one you will affect in this way." – K. DeVore, Freshman, Lipscomb University

"Brownie’s words were encouraging and her energy was contagious. After spending time with her, I feel better equipped to love myself and discover my purpose." –T. Jones Sophomore, Detroit, MI